I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day, and you got to spend it with the special people in your life. I personally could not imagine my life without my three amazing kids. They truly are my reason for getting out of bed every day, and I believe I am a better person simply because I get to participate in their lives. If I were to try and list everything they do to make me proud, I am sure I would quickly run out of room on this blog. But I can tell you that I would not, even if I could, change one single thing about them. I know that they can do anything they choose to, and I am honored that I get to support them every step of the way.
About 2 weeks ago, Critter and Burda took Little Man out to spend the day with them, but in reality, they all went to the Target Portrait Studio and got their pictures taken. So for Mother's Day I got the proof page, and the pictures will be available on the 16th. I cant wait to see them, and I will post the info so you can check them out online if you want. And, of course it goes without saying that I will scan 1 or 2 and post them here. I think that is about the best present they could have possibly given me!! I hope you all got everything your heart desired for Mother's Day!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
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