Saturday, June 7, 2008

Can They Really Do This?

Seriously...can this be done? I am not a terribly political person, but I do admit that I am trying to pay more attention as I am getting older. But this seems pretty far out of line to me. Where does it end? Again...I am not necessarily making a political statement here because I personally think that most politicians are at their core, corrupt. But, shouldn't this be illegal or at the very least considered HIGHLY immoral?? Isn't the President of this country supposed to be held to the highest possible standard? I mean we did give him the most important job this country has to offer, so I don't think it is asking to much for him to behave like any one of us would be asked (and are required by law) to behave. And again, let me clarify....this isn't as much a statement of politics as it should be a statement of fact. Everyone single person in this country should have to answers for their actions and that should include President Bush and every single member of his good ol' boy network.

UPDATE: Ok, now the link is working...sorry about that!

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