On Thursday I got to get the 2
nd in a series of 5 shots for the arthritis in my knee. The stuff is called
Supartz and let me tell you.....it hurts like hell!! The benefit is supposed to be well worth the pain, per my
ortho, and he better be right!! Of course he is not the one getting needles shoved under his kneecaps so I am not sure how he knows this, but I am still taking his word for it. In other medical related news, little man stepped on a shard of glass this weekend, and bled like it had struck an artery! I cannot even begin to tell you how much blood there is on our back patio...god forbid someone disappears in our neighborhood
cuz it looks like a murder has taken place out there! Who knew a foot could bleed like that??? But, it is all good now, and healing well. We keep pouring peroxide on it
cuz I cant imagine an infection on the bottom of his foot would be a good thing. Saturday night the hubby and I went to the casino to donate some money to the state of Iowa, and did a pretty good job of doing just that. We took $200 and came home with $80, but I consider it a good night
cuz we came home with any. And we did something we never ever do...stayed out till 5 in the morning! It is official...I am getting too damn old to pull an all
nighter! But it was a good time and it was nice to spend some alone time with the hubby so it was well worth the lost sleep. And that friends is the extent of the excitement in our neck of the woods this weekend. Of course there was always Sunday night BINGO, and of course the hubby won again (and I did not) but that is just a regular occurrence and deserves no mention here!! ;) Oh, and PS---the pictures have nothing to do with the post, just wanted to throw up some pictures of 3 of my most favorite people!
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