I know I have asked for your thoughts and well wishes for this little boy numerous times before, but I am going to keep asking till they aren't needed any more. His family has been in New York to get him set up to start treatment there. Because of some complications brought on by the insurance company (and don't even get me started on how ridiculous that is!!) he will be coming back to Iowa City to get chemo for a few weeks, and then will be heading back to the Big Apple again. I wont even begin to pretend I understand how all of this works, but I do know that as a parent I cannot even begin to imagine how they are finding the strength to start every day and the amount of respect and compassion I have for them all just continues to grow. So please join me again in sending them your thoughts and prayers, and if you find yourself in a position to do some random act of kindness for family, friends or even total strangers, do it in his honor. You can visit his families webpage here, (search for his page--ColemanScott) and leave a word of encouragement if you can. His mother is collecting stories of random acts of kindness for a book she is making for Coleman so if you have a story, be sure to leave that also.