See that flame?? It nearly singed off the hubby's eyebrows, but damn doesn't he look manly playing with fire!!

This cool balloon was also in the air with us, and it was a little lower than we were. At this point the hubby was on his knees in the bottom of the basket, but once he realized that we were not going to plummet to earth at breakneck speed, he stood up and enjoyed the spectacular view.

I wish you could have all been in the air with us to see what we saw. A picture just doesn't do it justice. Truly took our breath away.

See that big smile?? I think he actually forgave me for that initial "what the hell did she get me into??" moment when the balloon first took flight. And it was just so amazing to be able to share this with him. So, Happy 5 Year Anniversary baby with many more to come!! I love you so much, and am proud to call you my husband!
How beautiful!
I wish I could do that someday with my boyfriend,we´re getting close to our 5 years anniversary as well..but I think he´s a little afraid to be in a ballon in the sky...:)
Congrats! So glad you finally gave in and made him your husband! I knew it was the best decision you ever made! Love ya lots-Cim
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