This is my most favorite tree in the lake, and it is the first to start turning in the fall, which also happens to be my favorite season. It acts as a kind of barometer for the colder weather. It will also be the first naked tree out here too. Every year I promise myself I will get out there and take some pictures of it every other day or so just to follow the change but this is the first one I have taken. I will try to take a couple more as the fall progresses, but no promises.
In other randomness, the last week and 3 days since my last post have been pretty full. Burda ended up in the hospital overnight after a pretty serious attack of the crud that affected her ability to breathe. Kind of a combination of allergies and bronchitis/pneumonia. Not fun for her, but she did get to take her first ever ambulance ride. I myself am pretty ok with never having to do that again. Scared the holy hell outta me, and I will be just dandy if I never have to watch another kid loaded on a gurney and taken out of the house thank you very much. But, after antibiotics and inhalers she is doing much better now. Still fighting the allergies but a good frost will go a long way to help with that.
My mother-in-law (Jan) was also hauled to the hospital on the same night via ambulance for nearly the same thing. She has emphysema though, and that was complicated by pneumonia. She was in intensive care for a couple of days, but it recovering at home now also. So, it was a pretty scary couple of days medically speaking but everyone is healthy again and all is right with the universe.
On Friday the hubby and I went to Vegas for a long weekend. (we tried to cancel but the cancellations fees were almost as much as the tickets cost us, and by this time everyone was home and on the mend) and it was nice to get away. I spent a lot of time worrying about everyone back here, but the relaxation was nice and nothing terrible happened while we were gone, so it was a success. Didnt win enough money to retire, but didnt lose the house either so it was a win win. It was nice to get home and back into our own bed though. I never seem to sleep good in a hotel bed, no matter how comfortable it might be. Guess the old saying "there's no place like home" is true, at least for me. And, I missed the hell out of the kids so it was time to come back.
That is about the extent of my excitement....pretty amazing the life I live huh. :) Hope everyone is happy and healthy and enjoying the start of fall.
1 comment:
Love this tree...fall has always been my favorite too!
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