Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Just a Little More Positive Energy Please, and Thank You

One of my dearest, and definitely oldest (ok, I am still older but only by 4 days, so it hardly counts, right??!!) has had by any one's definition a pretty rough year give or take a few months. You can go here and read it in her own words because she explains it much better than I ever could. Please take a minute out of your day and send a happy thought or two (or ten) to her and her family. I know they will greatly appreciate it, and so will I.

You know that I love you sweetie! We don't always agree, and that's ok with me. Wouldn't have it any other way if I am being truly honest. But I am here for you, and always will be. And eventually we will finally be able to find the time to meet in the middle somewhere for those adult beverages and old school conversations!

Super Squirrel Forever!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I forever thank you. I would never want to change you, I think I'll just keep you the way you are...and yes sometimes, we just have to agree to disagree. I love, love, love you always my super squirrel friend...Go Squirrell Power!