After Thursday's big snow and ice storm, Little Man wanted to go outside and help his Daddy shovel snow. I would like to point out that his Daddy had no business shoveling but he is too proud to borrower a snow blower from the parents. Men!!!
Burda had her last Christmas Concert of her High School life on the 17th. Kind of sad if I really stop to think about it, so moving on......

Proof positive that I can make holiday treats!! Almond bark dipped pretzel rods and the chocolate ones are Ritz peanut butter crackers dipped in melted chocolate stars. These were Critter's idea, so the extra pounds my butt is carrying around are officially his fault.

Little Man and his Daddy decorated pine cones for the Christmas tree...and this is what the finished product looked like. They look really nice on the real tree now standing tall in the living room, making the house smell like a pine forest. I love Christmas! Well, except for the crowds of people breathing my air while I try to find the perfect gifts for the impossible to buy for on our list, but other than that, I love the season!

Little Man got to meet Santa and this was the first year he was not totally terrified of the big man in the red suit. I am glad Santa was able to find the time to stop off in our little town...I know he is a very busy guy this time of year. And of course there was no shortage of things he had on his list. Hope Santa was paying attention!

The first of the month I took a super fast (about 36 hours) business trip out east...Maryland to be exact. And this first picture was of the sunset on the trip home. It was much prettier in person, but use your imagination.

And taking pictures out of the rental car window was as close to sightseeing as there was time for. These are drivebys of the Washington Monument. I think it would be a great place to be able to spend just a little more time...so much history to experience. There were some other monuments and landmarks we were able to see, unfortunately the combination of a moving vehicle and big city traffic didn't allow for more pictures. Maybe next time!

So, this is little glimpse of my month in pictures. Sorry it took me so long to get 'em up here but better late than never right? Have a great weekend and we will talk soon!

Burda had her last Christmas Concert of her High School life on the 17th. Kind of sad if I really stop to think about it, so moving on......

Proof positive that I can make holiday treats!! Almond bark dipped pretzel rods and the chocolate ones are Ritz peanut butter crackers dipped in melted chocolate stars. These were Critter's idea, so the extra pounds my butt is carrying around are officially his fault.

Little Man and his Daddy decorated pine cones for the Christmas tree...and this is what the finished product looked like. They look really nice on the real tree now standing tall in the living room, making the house smell like a pine forest. I love Christmas! Well, except for the crowds of people breathing my air while I try to find the perfect gifts for the impossible to buy for on our list, but other than that, I love the season!

Little Man got to meet Santa and this was the first year he was not totally terrified of the big man in the red suit. I am glad Santa was able to find the time to stop off in our little town...I know he is a very busy guy this time of year. And of course there was no shortage of things he had on his list. Hope Santa was paying attention!

The first of the month I took a super fast (about 36 hours) business trip out east...Maryland to be exact. And this first picture was of the sunset on the trip home. It was much prettier in person, but use your imagination.

And taking pictures out of the rental car window was as close to sightseeing as there was time for. These are drivebys of the Washington Monument. I think it would be a great place to be able to spend just a little more time...so much history to experience. There were some other monuments and landmarks we were able to see, unfortunately the combination of a moving vehicle and big city traffic didn't allow for more pictures. Maybe next time!

So, this is little glimpse of my month in pictures. Sorry it took me so long to get 'em up here but better late than never right? Have a great weekend and we will talk soon!
Damn you Scuba Steve!! Why you gotta go and put up a picture of my best side like that??
who's the hot chick at the desk?
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