Friday, March 28, 2008

Having a Bad Day???

If you think you are having a bad day, or maybe you cant cope with the stress and pressure in your life right now, look here for a little inspiration. But I warn you, if you don't cry at least once, you have no soul. You will need to create a login but it is easy to do, and free of charge. To find the page I have been visiting you will need to search for colemanscott (all one word). The faith and strength of these families is overwhelming. I cannot imagine what their days are like, and I will be honest when I tell you that I am glad for that. But the reason I put it here is because there are little things you can a message, send an email or in the case of Coleman, just do a random act of kindness in his name. I have made that my goal this week, and every day I have done some little thing for a stranger in his honor. I don't know this family, but I cant help but hope that any positive energy I can put out into the universe in his name will come back to him somehow. I know, I am sounding very hippy'ish here, but we all get to believe in our own way, and this just happens to be mine. And after you visit Coleman's page, look around on the site. There are just so many amazing stories of strength, hope and, unfortunately, loss, that we all should be able to look at our own lives and realize that it really isn't so tough being me today.

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