Monday, April 21, 2008

The Amazing Man I Married

I just wanted to take a minute and thank my husband for being pretty damn wonderful!! Last night was so much fun and it was just that much better because he was there. He has been sick for about a week now, fighting strep and just an overall nasty case of the crud, not to mention his regular bouts with the kidney stones, but he still went with me to see Daughtry and Bon Jovi. And it wasn't just because we had all ready spent our hard earned money on the tickets, and there was no attitude or crankiness about it...he went because he wanted to hang out with me. (and because he loves Bon Jovi, but that is not the point here) And I love him more than he will ever know for that!! Thank you for making me believe again baby!!

**for those of you needing them, you will find the barf bags on your left. :)

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