Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy (belated) New Year

Hope everyone survived the holidays, and got something wonderful from Santa. It was pretty great here. Critter got to be home for quite awhile, and it was great to wake up with him in the house again. I miss that. It has also been nice to have Burda and Little Man on Christmas Break. I enjoy the noise in the house! Having a little peace and quiet every now and then is wonderful (for my sanity) but I couldn't have it long term. I like the noise and chaos that a house full of people brings. The Hubby hasn't had the best of holidays....he is fighting several kidney stones. He has been able to pass 3 of them, but the CAT scan showed "several" so not sure how many more he will have to deal with. The upside is they are all small enough to pass without medical intervention, the downside is they are all small enough to pass without medical intervention. Thank the gods for pharmaceuticals!! Now if I can only convince him that it is ok to call in sick once in awhile...
In other news....I have ordered a Flip video recorder from Amazon. Should be here this week. It is a super simple (only 3 buttons!) DVR so I can record little videos to post here. The best part though is it is easy enough for the little kids, so I plan to bring it along to family stuff. It will be fun to see what the kids create!! I am sure Little Man will make lots of wonderful videos...just bring the Dramamine when you watch!
Hope everyone has had a great start to 2008!!

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