Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Prettiest Flower In My Garden

I was up at dark thirty am today to take my friend to the airport and after I dropped her off I started to think about what she means to me. She is the friend I have had the longest, which means she knows all about my warts and imperfections, but tolerates me anyway. Her life post High School hasn't always been fairy tale worthy, but she copes with an almost perfect balance of insanity and grace. Sometimes one outweighs the other, but eventually it all comes back to center and I admire her so much for that. Right now she is dealing with the inevitable loss of another member of her family to the dreaded C word, and this will happen sooner rather than later. I wish with every fiber of my being that I could take some of the sadness and feel it for her so she didn't have to. I owe her that....she quite literally saved my life one week in July back in 2000. Of course, my liver just might beg to differ with me on that. But I know for a fact that my life today would be completely different had I not been able to run away to the safety of her home and her amazing family for that week. So if you happen to have a free minute today, please say a prayer or send a happy thought out into the universe for her. She could really use a big dose of positive energy and believe me when I tell you that no one deserves it more than her!!

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