Thursday, October 18, 2007

Pot Pies and Teenagers

So, the pot pie turned out pretty well. To be fair, it wasn't a tough recipe at all, which is really what you need when you are cuisine challenged as I am. Of course the youngest wanted no part of it cuz he saw "salad" in it...that is anything that might possibly be, or have ever been, a vegetable. He gets that from his dad, and I am hoping when he gets older he might be more open to at least trying a bite first, before he proclaims his total disdain for it. My oldest is coming home tonight for dinner so I am looking forward to that, and the girl will be home for dinner too! Not sure she is happy about it, but she will be here and I will take what I can get. Don't get me wrong, I remember being 16, vaguely, and I know I was almost never home. But I miss her being around. I am not sure when she stopped being my baby girl and turned into this semi grown up, beautiful young lady, but it has happened. Just wish I had been given some kind of notice that is was coming, ya know. There is a lot of attitude that comes with her being 16, but I will take that too. I guess it is part of what makes her who she is. She will not take shit from people, and that will serve her well as she moves through life. I wouldn't change anything about her....she is just perfect as is. Well, gotta run and do some work. Might check in later.

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