Thursday, November 1, 2007

And the Universe Listened*

Just to prove that there is some kind of cosmic balance in the world, today Critter got his ISU Student ID. Yep, he has been accepted!! WOOHOO!!! (not that I ever doubted he would be, but still very exciting) And Burda made Honor Roll for first quarter. Another WOOHOO!!! (never doubted her for a minute!) I talked to my friend Dawn (the heart surgery patient) and they are sending her home tomorrow. How amazing is it that on Tuesday afternoon a very talented surgeon was holding her heart in his hand, and on Friday night she will be sleeping in her own bed. Modern medicine is pretty impressive, not to mention the power of positive healing thoughts! Thanks for that! So, this is more than enough to make up for my one lousy day. Hope everyone has an amazing weekend, I know I will!

*totally stole that from a Melissa Etheridge song, but it seemed fitting!

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