Tuesday, November 6, 2007

That is NOT music!!

In reading through the gossip blogs today, I was informed that Britney Spears will have the #1 album in the country according to Billboard. Now I am not about to start attacking someone for trying to make an honest living here, but seriously!! Come on now! If you take away all of the electronic crap used to make her even remotely listenable what would you be left with? I personally think it would sound a lot like me trying to sing The Star Spangled Banner first thing in the morning. Now while I truly believe I have the voice of an angel...this belief is not shared by anyone with half a brain and one good ear!!!!! The true test of talent should be one person, or group, alone with an acoustic guitar or piano. No back up singers to drown out the bad notes, no synthesizers or amps, no over priced, over produced music video to hide the song in, just them and their voice. It really should be that simple. If I am going to spend my hard earned money on a CD, or iTunes, then I need that artist or group to move me. And I firmly believe this is not too much to ask.

If you want to experience some unknown music check out http://www.garageband.com/ and if you want to check out some acoustic versions of more well known artists, check out http://www.strippedmusic.com/ (be sure to add music after stripped in the web address cuz if you don't, you will end up at a site that has absolutely nothing to do with music, or talent for that matter!) And if anyone knows of more sites for acoustic or unreleased music, please leave a comment...I am always looking for new (and undiscovered old) music.

As a footnote, I want to be sure to add that Britney was actually outsold (by nearly 400,000 units) by The Eagles, but since their new CD was only sold by WalMart and at their website, it didn't count according to Billboard. Of course this is no surprise...Hotel California anyone?? Now that IS music!

Amazing Update: Billboard has decided that WalMart album sales will be included in their calculation, so it is with great pleasure that I announce The Eagles have the official #1 album. and Britney is officially #2!! Thank you music gods!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen sister, is there anyone else then the Eagles, or Steve Perry.....